Sunday, November 6, 2011

Healthy Fruits

With only 80 calories and 0 grams of fat, it's tough to beat the all-around health boost an apple provides. The primary health benefit of apples is the 3 grams of fiber you get from each one, which carries you a long way toward the 20 grams you are supposed to get each day. High fiber diets have also been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease and stroke, as well as clearer skin, so if you're looking for a fruit to start loading up on, look no further!
The banana offers two primary health benefits: fiber (2 grams per banana) and the all-important nutrient of potassium. If you are at all interested in the healthy, proper functioning of your heart and muscles, potassium is something you do not want to skimp on. The easiest way to get it is to work bananas into your diet; say, one at breakfast, and one after supper. You'll be amazed at how much more energetic and healthy you feel after just a few days or weeks!
Besides tasting great as a topping or by themselves, blueberries offer the inestimable benefit of discouraging bladder infections by making it hard for bacteria to stick to the walls of your urinary tract. As if that weren't enough, blueberries offer another huge benefit to all you men out there. 
Pomegranates are somewhat less common than the fruits mentioned above, but the health benefits to be gained from them are extraordinary. In addition to helping stop harmful blood clots, Men's Health notes that pomegranates can increase blood flow from the heart by up to 30 percent. A National Academy of Sciences study also found that pomegranates slowed the growth of tumors and improved survival rates of mice. Other studies link pomegranate consumption to a reduced risk of breast cancer.
Oranges pack a dual punch of citrus and anti-oxidants that every healthy person needs for optimal functioning. With 70 milligrams of Vitamin C and 40 milligrams of folic acid, oranges are one of nature's best immune system enhancers, which is why so many doctors advise drinking orange juice when you’re trying to beat a cold. The antioxidants come to the rescue of your beleaguered immune system, helping it to fight the illness or bug you are experiencing.

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